Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oolong Schmoolong?

I have been hearing a lot about oolong tea lately, and I am here to find out if it’s really all it’s cracked up to be. First of all, I have to say that the only tea that I drink is black tea with milk and sugar. I have tried other teas like green tea and chamomile, and I just don’t like them compared to my comforting cup of goodness. So I wasn’t too pumped about the idea of cheating on my black tea, but for the sake of this blog, I am willing to venture out. Since finding out about oolong tea, I have started drinking a cup a day (this will be my second week). I have to say it’s quite good, and I don’t even have to doctor it up with milk and sugar.

I did some research on oolong and here is what I found:

Are oolong, wu long, wulong, and wulung all the same tea? Yes they are. Due to some translation differences you may see each of these names, but oolong is the name most commonly used.

What are the health benefits?
· In my research, I have found that oolong tea contains antioxidants which inhibit free radicals that can cause cancer
· It helps you lose weight by speeding up your metabolism and blocking fat absorption
· A 2001 Japanese study found that participants lowered their cholesterol after drinking oolong tea for one month
· Another study done in 2004 found that drinking both oolong and green tea can lower high blood pressure
· Oolong tea inhibits bacteria which can cause tooth decay

What is the downside?
· Tea does contain caffeine (although far less than coke)
· Too much tea can cause yellow teeth - I would imagine you would have to drink tea like you breathe to get your pearly whites a shade of school bus yellow. But to prevent this scenario from happening you could brush your teeth after you drink your tea, or you could use a teeth whitening kit if you notice any discoloring

Bottom line, drinking oolong tea can do a lot for your health, it tastes good, and it’s relaxing! My tea kettle is whistling. I gotta go!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Quick Tip

Last week I (Andrea) was at the library listening to a presentation on tea. Yes, besides the eight-year old girl that came with her mom and grandma, I was the youngest one there. It was great fun and I learned some things I didn't know about tea...like oolong tea but Jen is going to write about that topic in the coming week.
Back to relevance - The woman presenting mentioned briefly about how she has discovered that no matter what anyone tells you, exercise does not get easier the more you do it. This is a fairly overweight woman probably not that much older than myself who is telling me this. Next to me, a woman speaks out "Yes, it does" and the presenter, slightly flustered, brushes her off and keeps talking.
Afterward, I look at the woman next to me at the table who spoke up in defense of exercise and she is obviously an athlete, or at least in shape. She is dressed in clothes that lead you to assume she has just come from the gym and she is fit and trim. I ask her about the exercise theory and tell her I need to hear some positive comments about it as I am starting to exercise three times a week and I'm having a difficult time finding it fun.
She tells me that after time it does get easier, or at least it becomes something that you want to do. She also informs me that the best thing a beginner (or anyone for that matter) can do is to write it down in a planner or on the calendar. Make it a part of your to-do list for the day. Treat it as you would an appointment. She warned me to expect it to seem difficult in the beginning because it's not something your body is used to, but over time it just becomes a natural part of your day.
Are you having trouble finding the "want" to exercise? Try scheduling it in to your day. Just this morning I wrote down what exercises I want to do for specific days (i.e. cardio, pilates, yoga.) Hopefully this will help!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Our First Guest Is....

I (Andrea) met her in this crazy blog land and then back in November we got to meet in person. She is a beautiful young woman, wife and mother of an adorable and already fashionable one-year old daughter. She and a friend run a fashion blog you must check out over at
Lovely Yellow Ribbons Glam Gals.
Have fun reading on!

Can I first just say, Happy New Year!

2009 will be a great year. I feel it in my bones. I wana feel it in my muscles too.

One of my goals (I don't make resolutions because they don't last past the 15th of January) is to start some kind of fitness regime so I can get my bottylicious back. Since having a baby, things just started not only disappearing but also going down. Sometimes I feel like that really skinny, weak old lady.

We all have something to complain about, don't we?

But really, whether it's popping in a Pilates DVD while Charlie naps, or going to the Gym in the evening (don't ask me to do anything else but have a cup of coffee in the morning), something MUST be done.

I've been seriously lazy (and sleep deprived) in 2008. This year I need to step it up. I'm here to share a few lil secrets of how to slowly get in shape by doing small things. Despite my saggy barely-there fanny and disappearing ta-ta's, I am a proud owner of a six pack.

How could that be if I don't work out?

I'm not bragging. Well, maybe a little. Here's the real story. About 8 years ago when I was in college I worked part-time at a local gym. I not only befriended extremely old, yet adorable, folks, wake up at ungodly hours to open the gym, deal with teenage boys putting soap in the outdoor hot tub, and making coffee every half-hour, I also had the benefits of a free membership. So I lived and breathed fitness; lifted weights and did cardio kickboxing. While lifting weights I learned to make sure and keep good form by always contracting my core (to support the back), never slouch, and keep even breathing throughout each exercise, otherwise I'd injure myself and not be doing my body any good.

While I never lifted a single dumbbell past Sophomore year (you do the math), I continued to contract my core. Somehow, even after gaining 15 pounds during Senior year, I kept my abs. I fully believe it's due to always contracting my abs; whether I'm sitting, walking, vacuuming, nursing, cooking, you name it.

Let me make this clear. I didn't suck my gut in, I contracted my muscles as if I'm doing a crunch.
You could also do this with your buttocks. I do it when I remember...which is not very often...which explains its disappearing/sagging act. Add that to the 2009 goal list.

For cardio, I don't do much but run around after Chuck and when I do house work, I choose to do it as if I only have 5 minutes to get it all done. I also mop the floors Cinderella style - on all fours. It sounds silly but I feel sore the next day, which tells me I worked out ever muscle in my upper body, including the hamstrings, quads, shins and calves.

I also think one of these wouldn't hurt. Or maybe Jillian could kick my butt while having some fun.

In an ideal world I'd be able to go to a Pilates or Yoga class every other day. But since I live in a part of the country that would require all of my baby's college savings to pay for such classes, I will stick to squeezing those buns and contract that core while mopping and vacuuming. You may laugh at me now but mark my words, it will pay off if you give it a try.

Did I mention that nothing gives you better calves, helps you stand up straighter, and teach you balance than a pair of stilettos? If that's not a classic trait of a Glam Gal, I don't know what is.

Now I want me another pair of red high heels. I'm salivating over these and might just have to get a pair :-).

If you have a recipe, exercise tips, healthy living advice, etc. that you would like to share in a guest post, please email us at: beyondbottles(at)yahoo(dot)com.
As always, don't forget to check in!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Let Me Introduce Myself...

I'm Jen. Due to a flooded basement I have not been able to post yet. The water is gone, and hopefully by spring we'll have things back to normal. Let me start by telling a little about myself. I am a stay at home mom with two children - a six year old and a two year old. I have been friends with Andrea since our freshman year of college (about ten years). For quite some time we have talked about exercising more and eating healthier. We became sick and tired of always talking about it, but never actually doing it...at least where it lasts longer than two weeks. So now we figure if the whole world can know about it, maybe that'll be motivation to stick to it :o)

While I love being a mom, I am excited to be a part of something that is non-kiddo related. Through this blog I hope to be held accountable to my goals. A couple of them include eating healthier and excercising at least three times a week. Also, I would like to research different approaches to healthy living, diets, exercising, etc. Any ideas or input we can get from you would be much appreciated. If something works for you let us know, if not, we want to know about that too. Andrea and I would love to hear about your goals and your progress.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Don't Have the Time?

Do you feel like you don't have the time to exercise? I mean, let's get real: you probably are already cleaning, cooking, wiping snotty noses, folding load upon load of laundry, and trying not to fall asleep at the end of the day so you can have one good conversation with your husband. Maybe you even work outside the home on top of all that!
Exercise seems like the last thing we have time for because it's not usually thought of as fun. I think we, as women, also tend to put it toward the bottom of our list because it is something we do for ourselves and, in our role of selfless women where everyone needs a piece of us for something, we feel guilty taking the time to do something that would benefit us.
Here is a quick solution to at least try to get you moving. A friend of mine was telling me last week that she came across a woman who did just one minute of push-ups and one minute of sit-ups a day. That is just two minutes of your time. In her first 30 days trying this, she lost 7 pounds!
Now, I don't know what this woman's starting weight was or how much she had to lose altogether to get to a healthy weight. Most likely the results are going to be different for everyone based on body types and a variety of factors.
But who can't fit two minutes into her day? We multi-task on everything else, why not try this?I actually squeeze it in while playing with the kids. Noah even does a couple sit-ups with me until he rolls over thinking it's a game.
After all, what is it going to hurt?

Monday, January 5, 2009

MmmmMmmm! Monday

During my brief time as a vegetarian I was given a chili recipe from my vegan friend, Lisa. Lisa and I have known each other since the kindergarten days and she has been a vegetarian for as long as I can remember. She became a vegan within the past year when she found out her newborn son was allergic to dairy. Not wanting to pay for formula like they did with their daughter, she instead chose to give up dairy and continue nursing. I am interested to find out when she is done nursing if she will choose to add dairy back into her diet or not.
This chili recipe is vegetarian, but if you can't find it in yourself to give up meat for even one meal then go ahead and substitute turkey or a lean beef in place of the Morningstar meal crumbles. I will say this, though: both my husband and son love this dish and don't even miss the fact it's not "real" meat.

Vegetarian Chili
2 cans chili beans
1 can petite diced tomatoes
1 small green pepper (finely chopped)
1 small onion (finely chopped)
1/2 package of Morningstar Meal Crumbles (found in frozen foods meatless section)
1 Tbs. minced garlic
Dash of chili powder
Dash of garlic salt
*Optional: Fritos and shredded cheese to top*

1. Saute onion, garlic and green pepper until onions are soft.
2. Add everything else to the same pan (except Fritos and cheese) and cook for 15-20 minutes on low/medium heat.
3. If you desire (which we do in my family!), put shredded cheese on top and serve with Fritos.

It's easy, quick and delicious! We usually have enough for two nights but it will depend on the size of your family and how much everyone eats.

Don't forget to check-in in the comments section!